* Deadline getting very close: CFP: Foundation, special issue on Science Fiction and Videogames (30 Apr 2014).
* CFP on Iain M. Banks. CFP for the Journal of Ghosthumanities.
* “It Continues Not To End”: Time, Poetry, and the ICC Witness Project.
* The work of torture in video games. Is it immoral to kill video game characters? Video games as ideological training.
* Rare Indian Burial Ground Quietly Destroyed for Million Dollar Houses.
* Chris Newfield goes inside Georgia Tech’s financials to figure out if MOOCs really save any money. You’ll never believe what happened next!
* Is a key piece of Faulkner scholarship a hoax?
* In what English departments is Baldwin falling out of favor? They should lose their accreditation!
* Driver Who Fatally Injured Teen Now Suing Dead Teen’s Family.
*Amateur sports is a relation that has existed for so long, with the general public’s acquiescence if not outright approval, that it’s hard to imagine an alternative. Even the most rational commentators struggle for another way to do business, not just cartoonish right-wingers like Alexander — a man who’s clearly happy to keep making less than the football coach, but not so enamored with the idea of a Tennessee running back being able to feed himself.
* Neoliberalism and the rise of the sports management movie.
* …Tuesday, five former Buffalo Bills cheerleaders filed suit against their own team, alleging that the Buffalo Jills were required to perform unpaid work for the team for about 20 hours a week. Unpaid activities included: submitting to a weekly “jiggle test” (where cheer coaches “scrutinized the women’s stomach, arms, legs, hips, and butt while she does jumping jacks”); parading around casinos in bikinis “for the gratification of the predominantly male crowd”; and offering themselves up as prizes at a golf tournament, where they were required to sit on men’s laps on the golf carts, submerge themselves in a dunk tank, and perform backflips for tips (which they did not receive). The Buffalo Jills cheerleaders take home just $105 to $1,800 for an entire season on the job.
* Alyssa Rosenberg continues her exploration of how the Game of Thrones show differ from the novels, including reference to the improved script for last week’s Jaime-Cersei scene.
* How the Military Collects Data on Millions of High School Students. How Big Data Hurts the Poor.
* 21 Things You Didn’t Know About Rushmore. I must confess I knew nearly all of these.
* Jedediah Purdy reviews Capital in the Twenty-First Century at LARoB.
* Rape culture horror at Brown. At Swarthmore. College Campuses Are Treating Rape Like A Crime Without Criminals.
* Meanwhile, at the Supreme Court.
* As Atwood said: Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.
* Scenes from the class struggle at Disney World.
* Studies the charter school scam collapsing in record time.
* The special exemption preventing unionization at religious universities appears to be a thing of the past. The Fight To Unionize College Athletes Could Also Expand Union Rights For Graduate Students. A specter is haunting precarity. End College Legacy Preferences. We Refuse to Accept That Violence Against Us Is Necessary to the Sustenance of Our Education. Give the Customers What They Want.
* The workplace: prison or sanctuary?
* Lawrence & Wishart & the Marxists Internet Archive.
* For North Dakota, drones a possible growth market. But in possible upside news: Kenya’s new drone program could put a virtual end to poaching. How We Read a NYTimes Story on Drone Strikes in Yemen.
* Everybody knows the college debt regime is insane–but is it insane enough? Vox reports.
* Peak Voxplaining: “The real world is marred by terrible killing, including death by drone-fired missile. But it’s much, much better than the world of Game of Thrones.”
* EXPLAINER: Is China a communist country?
* It’s official: Justice League will be a terrible film. Elsewhere in nerd mourning: the Star Wars Expanded Universe is officially dead.
* How America’s Leading Science Fiction Authors Are Shaping Your Future.
* Great progressive hope Elizabeth Warren on why she used to be a Republican until ugh just forget it.
* Fineable Offenses for Naughty 18th-Century Students at Harvard.
* The bleaching of San Francisco.
* “Life: It’s literally all we have. But is it any good?” Spring’s best new comedy is free on YouTube.
* Fascinating. The devices appear to stimulate the reward centers of their tiny brains.
* Google goes back to its core competencies.